Advanced configuration

So far, we have relied on the icat.config module to provide configuration variables for us (such as url or idsurl). However, programs may also define their own custom configuration variables.

Custom configuration variables

Let’s add the option to redirect the output of our example program to a file. The output file path shall be passed via the command line as a configuration variable. To set this up, we can use the add_variable() method:

#! /usr/bin/python

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import icat
import icat.config

config = icat.config.Config(ids="optional")
config.add_variable("outfile", ("-o", "--outputfile"),
                    dict(help="output file name or '-' for stdout"),
client, conf = config.getconfig()
client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)

if conf.outfile == "-":
    out = sys.stdout
    out = open(conf.outfile, "wt")

print("Login to %s was successful." % (conf.url), file=out)
print("User: %s" % (client.getUserName()), file=out)


This adds a new configuration variable outfile. It can be specified on the command line as -o OUTFILE or --outputfile OUTFILE and it defaults to the string - if not specified. We can check this on the list of available command line options:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-s SECTION] [-w URL]
                        [--idsurl IDSURL] [--no-check-certificate]
                        [--http-proxy HTTP_PROXY] [--https-proxy HTTPS_PROXY]
                        [--no-proxy NO_PROXY] [-a AUTH] [-u USERNAME] [-P]
                        [-p PASSWORD] [-o OUTFILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIGFILE, --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        config file
  -s SECTION, --configsection SECTION
                        section in the config file
  -w URL, --url URL     URL to the web service description
  --idsurl IDSURL       URL to the ICAT Data Service
                        don't verify the server certificate
  --http-proxy HTTP_PROXY
                        proxy to use for http requests
  --https-proxy HTTPS_PROXY
                        proxy to use for https requests
  --no-proxy NO_PROXY   list of exclusions for proxy use
  -a AUTH, --auth AUTH  authentication plugin
  -P, --prompt-pass     prompt for the password
  -o OUTFILE, --outputfile OUTFILE
                        output file name or '-' for stdout

This new option is optional, so the program can be used as before:

$ python -s myicat_jdoe
Login to was successful.
User: db/jdoe

If we add the option on the command line, it has the expected effect:

$ python -s myicat_jdoe -o out.txt
$ cat out.txt
Login to was successful.
User: db/jdoe

Alternatively, we may also specify the option in the configuration file as follows:

url =
auth = db
username = jdoe
password = secret
idsurl =
#checkCert = No
outfile = out.txt

Flag configuration variables

Instead of passing a string value to our program, we can also define different variable types using the type parameter. Among other things, this allows us to pass boolean/flag parameters. Let’s add another configuration variable to our example program that lets us control the output via a flag:

#! /usr/bin/python

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import icat
import icat.config

config = icat.config.Config(ids="optional")
config.add_variable("outfile", ("-o", "--outputfile"),
                    dict(help="output file name or '-' for stdout"),
config.add_variable("hide", ["--hide-user-name"],
                    dict(help="do not display the user after login"),
                    default=False, type=icat.config.flag)
client, conf = config.getconfig()
client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)

if conf.outfile == "-":
    out = sys.stdout
    out = open(conf.outfile, "wt")

print("Login to %s was successful." % (conf.url), file=out)
if not conf.hide:
    print("User: %s" % (client.getUserName()), file=out)


If we call our program normally, we get the same output as before:

$ python -s myicat_jdoe
Login to was successful.
User: db/jdoe

But if we pass the flag parameter, it produces a different output:

$ python -s myicat_jdoe --hide-user-name
Login to was successful.

A flag type configuration variable also adds a negated form of the command line flag:

$ python -s myicat_jdoe --no-hide-user-name
Login to was successful.
User: db/jdoe

This may look somewhat pointless at first glance as it only affirms the default. It becomes useful if we set this flag in the configuration file as in:

url =
auth = db
username = jdoe
password = secret
idsurl =
#checkCert = No
hide = true

In that case we can override this setting on the command line with --no-hide-user-name.

Defining sub-commands

Many programs split up their functionality into sub-commands. For instance, the git program can be called as git clone, git checkout, git commit, and so on. In general, each sub-command will take their own set of configuration variables.

You can create programs like this and manage the configuration of each sub-command with icat.config using the add_subcommands() method. It adds a special ConfigSubCmds configuration variable representing the sub-command. This object provides the add_subconfig() method to register a new sub-command value. On the sub-config object in turn you can then define specific configuration variables using the familiar add_variable() method.

To put it all together, consider the following example program:

#! /usr/bin/python

from __future__ import print_function
import icat
import icat.config

config = icat.config.Config(ids="optional")

# add a global configuration variable 'entity' common for all sub-commands
config.add_variable("entity", ("-e", "--entity"),
                    dict(help="an entity from the ICAT schema",
                         choices=["User", "Study"]))

# add the configuration variable representing the sub-commands
subcmds = config.add_subcommands("mode")

# register three possible values for the sub-commands {list,create,delete}
subconfig_list = subcmds.add_subconfig("list",
                                       dict(help="list existing ICAT objects"))
subconfig_create = subcmds.add_subconfig("create",
                                         dict(help="create a new ICAT object"))
subconfig_delete = subcmds.add_subconfig("delete",
                                         dict(help="delete an ICAT object"))

# add two additional configuration variables 'name' and 'id' that are
# specific to the 'create' and 'delete' sub-commands respectively.
subconfig_create.add_variable("name", ("-n", "--name"),
                              dict(help="name for the new ICAT object"))
subconfig_delete.add_variable("id", ("-i", "--id"),
                              dict(help="ID of the ICAT object"))

client, conf = config.getconfig()
client.login(conf.auth, conf.credentials)

# check which sub-command (mode) was called
if == "list":
    print("listing existing %s objects..." % conf.entity)
elif == "create":
    print("creating a new %s object named %s..." % (conf.entity,
    obj =,
elif == "delete":
    print("deleting the %s object with ID %s..." % (conf.entity,
    obj = client.get(conf.entity,


If we check the available commands for the above program, our three sub-commands should be listed:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-s SECTION] [-w URL]
                              [--idsurl IDSURL] [--no-check-certificate]
                              [--http-proxy HTTP_PROXY]
                              [--https-proxy HTTPS_PROXY]
                              [--no-proxy NO_PROXY] [-a AUTH] [-u USERNAME]
                              [-P] [-p PASSWORD] [-e {User,Study}]
                              {list,create,delete} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIGFILE, --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        config file
  -s SECTION, --configsection SECTION
                        section in the config file
  -w URL, --url URL     URL to the web service description
  --idsurl IDSURL       URL to the ICAT Data Service
                        don't verify the server certificate
  --http-proxy HTTP_PROXY
                        proxy to use for http requests
  --https-proxy HTTPS_PROXY
                        proxy to use for https requests
  --no-proxy NO_PROXY   list of exclusions for proxy use
  -a AUTH, --auth AUTH  authentication plugin
  -P, --prompt-pass     prompt for the password
  -e {User,Study}, --entity {User,Study}
                        an entity from the ICAT schema

    list                list existing ICAT objects
    create              create a new ICAT object
    delete              delete an ICAT object

This looks good. Let’s try calling our program with the list sub-command. Of course we must also provide a section from our config file (-s SECTION) as well as the entity variable (-e {User,Study}) we defined earlier:

$ python -s myicat_root -e User list
listing existing User objects...
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 1
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Aelius Cordus"
   name = "db/acord"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 2
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Arnold Hau"
   name = "db/ahau"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 3
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Jean-Baptiste Botul"
   name = "db/jbotu"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 4
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "John Doe"
   name = "db/jdoe"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 5
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Nicolas Bourbaki"
   name = "db/nbour"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 6
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Rudolph Beck-Dülmen"
   name = "db/rbeck"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 7
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "IDS reader"
   name = "simple/idsreader"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 8
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Root"
   name = "simple/root"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 9
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "User Office"
   name = "simple/useroffice"

We see the users defined in the example content created in the previous tutorial sections. Let’s add a new user. We will use the create sub-command to do this. Earlier, we defined a configuration variable name (-n NAME) that is specific to the create sub-command. We can check this by calling:

$ python create -h
usage: create [-h] [-n NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAME, --name NAME  name for the new ICAT object

Let’s create a new User object named “db/alice”. Note that we must provide the ‘global’ configuration variables (section and entity) before the sub-command, and the sub-command-specific option (name) after it:

$ python -s myicat_root -e User create -n db/alice
creating a new User object named db/alice...

If we now list the User objects again, we can see a new object with name “db/alice”:

$ python -s myicat_root -e User list
listing existing User objects...
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 1
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Aelius Cordus"
   name = "db/acord"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 2
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Arnold Hau"
   name = "db/ahau"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 3
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Jean-Baptiste Botul"
   name = "db/jbotu"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 4
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "John Doe"
   name = "db/jdoe"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 5
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Nicolas Bourbaki"
   name = "db/nbour"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 6
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Rudolph Beck-Dülmen"
   name = "db/rbeck"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 7
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "IDS reader"
   name = "simple/idsreader"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 8
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "Root"
   name = "simple/root"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   id = 9
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-20 15:55:39+01:00
   fullName = "User Office"
   name = "simple/useroffice"
 }, (user){
   createId = "simple/root"
   createTime = 2020-02-21 18:34:29+01:00
   id = 10
   modId = "simple/root"
   modTime = 2020-02-21 18:34:29+01:00
   name = "db/alice"

Finally, let’s delete this new object using the delete sub-command. To do this, we must specify the sub-command-specific configuration variable id (-i ID). In the above output, we can see that the object’s ID is 10, so we write:

$ python -s myicat_root -e User delete -i 10
deleting the User object with ID 10...