icat.dumpfile_yaml — YAML data file backend

This module provides the YAML backend for icat.dumpfile. See the documentation of that module on how to read and write ICAT data files.

class icat.dumpfile_yaml.YAMLDumpFileReader(client, infile)

Bases: icat.dumpfile.DumpFileReader

Backend for reading ICAT data from a YAML file.

mode = 'rt'

File mode suitable for this backend.


Iterate over the chunks in the data file.

getobjs_from_data(data, objindex)

Iterate over the objects in a data chunk.

Yield a new entity object in each iteration. The object is initialized from the data, but not yet created at the client.

class icat.dumpfile_yaml.YAMLDumpFileWriter(client, outfile)

Bases: icat.dumpfile.DumpFileWriter

Backend for writing ICAT data to a YAML file.

mode = 'wt'

File mode suitable for this backend.


Write a header with some meta information to the data file.


Start a new data chunk.

If the current chunk contains any data, write it to the data file.

writeobj(key, obj, keyindex)

Add an entity object to the current data chunk.


Finalize the data file.