icat.authinfo — Provide the AuthenticatorInfo class


This module is used internally in icat.config. Most users will not need to use it directly or even care about it.

class icat.authinfo.AuthenticatorInfo(authInfo)

Bases: Sequence

A wrapper around the authenticator info as returned by the ICAT server.


authInfo (list) – authenticator information from the ICAT server as returned by icat.client.Client.getAuthenticatorInfo().


Return a list of authenticator names available at the ICAT server.

getCredentialKeys(auth=None, hide=None)

Return credential keys.

  • auth (str) – authenticator name. If given, return only the credential keys for this authenticator. If None, return credential keys for all authenticators.

  • hide (bool) – if given, return either only the hidden or the non-hidden credential keys, according to the provided value. If None, return credential keys for all authenticators.


names of credential keys.

Return type:

set of str


KeyError – if auth is provided, but no authenticator by that name is defined in the authenticator information.

Changed in version 0.17.0: add default value for parameter auth.

class icat.authinfo.LegacyAuthenticatorInfo

Bases: object

AuthenticatorInfo for old ICAT server.

This is a dummy implementation to emulate AuthenticatorInfo for the case that the server does not support the icat.client.Client.getAuthenticatorInfo() call.


Return None.

getCredentialKeys(auth=None, hide=None)

Return credential keys.

Dummy implementation, pretent that all authenticators expect username and password as credential keys, where password is marked as hidden.

  • auth (str) – authenticator name. This parameter is ignored.

  • hide (bool) – if given, return either only the hidden or the non-hidden credential keys, according to the provided value. If None, return credential keys for all authenticators.


names of credential keys.

Return type:

set of str

Changed in version 0.17.0: add default value for parameter auth.